I Wrote Saluki Marooned, But I Didn’t Memorize it!
I Wrote Saluki Marooned, But I Didn’t Memorize it!

I Wrote Saluki Marooned, But I Didn’t Memorize it!

Lake on the Campus, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Much of the action in Saluki Marooned took place around this lake.
Tompson Point, Lake on the Campus, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.  Saluki Marooned started at this lake in 1971, and ended there  forty years later.
Roberty Rickman, wearing the SIU colors maroon and white.

It took me eight years to write Saluki Marooned, and when I finished it,  I had read it at least five times.  I was looking for typos and misspellings before I sent it to the publisher. Despite my best efforts, two typos got by.

One would think considering the fact that I had written the novel, and had read it at least five times, that I would know it very well.  Wellllllllllllllll... 





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