Yup, I spent a lot of time in here.
Am I: Communing with Chopin? Shielding my ears from that noisy refrigerator? Hiding from the landlady?
I'm recording the Saluki Marooned audiobook.
And why don't I look happy?
Because I'm not! First, no radio or TV studio I've ever worked in (including WSIU and WIDB) would satisfy the demonic requirements for audiobook acceptance (ACX). To give you an idea: The sound of a pin dropping would register 10 decibels, and if something made a sound at 0 decibels, most humans couldn't hear it.
But the audiobook technical criteria requires any noise to register below -60 decibels-that's negative 60db! That means if an ant burps outside three stories below the closet the meter had better register -60db or below.
Accordingly, I bought heavy drapes which I close over the bedroom windows for recording. I shut the bathroom door, and turn off all appliances that make noise or cause a hum. I pack the air conditioner and window fan vents with insulation. (I wouldn't think
of turning them on) And the laptop stays outside because of its' fan.
But the real trouble starts when I'm finished recording.

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