Well, I tell yeah, Federson my roommate, has been acting weird lately. He sits down with a groan as if he has arthritis, he bitches about a bald spot on his head which he doesn't have, and he loves the food at Lentz! Then he tells me that he doesn't like the smell of my pipe tobacco, that I look silly in my hunting cap, and that I shouldn't bench press my log because that means he has to move the hot plate and coffee pot off of it and put it on his desk... where it belongs incidentally And all of this weird behavior started a few days a few days ago, when he asked me for what day it was ...then the month... then the year! I told him,
"Saturday, May 1, 1971, AD"
And the weirdness goes on: While minding my own business trying to masticate my "Hamburger Surprise" at the side dining room at Lentz Hall, where it's quiet...

... Marta comes up to me and whispers, "Saluki Marooned is right in front of Melissa."

Now what the hell does that mean? A saluki is a dog and is the mascot of SIU and marooned means stranded, and maroon and white are our school colors but..but.. Marta is a nice chick but a genuine weirdsmobile. She's over there near the salad bar right now piling all the damned mushrooms on her plate. She's probably going to dry'em out and smoke 'em.
And, and I don't have time for this stuff, I'm an economics major on a scholarship and need to snarf this stuff down, and get back to Bailey Hall and study!
Read what happens when Peter arrived back in 1971 for the second time around, and meets his old roommate by clicking 108 Bailey Hall (the lower windows to the right)

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