As of Saturday, June 19, 2012, at 12 Noon, I've lived in Carbondale for seven months, one week, two days, and one hour. I've managed to record nine chapters of the Saluki Marooned Audiobook, plus the introduction!
As of Saturday, June 19, 2012, at 12 Noon, I've lived in Carbondale for seven months, one week, two days, and one hour. I've managed to record nine chapters of the Saluki Marooned Audiobook, plus the introduction!
"As night fell, security forces held the high ground around Woody and Wheeler halls, reinforced by members of the Illinois National Guard. Students lined streets adjacent to the campus, many carrying bricks and pieces of lumber. The awkward standoff continued until after midnight. At least 55 people were injured during nearly eight hours of protest, including 18 police officers. None of the injuries were serious. Nineteen persons were arrested. All were identified as SIU students, except for one Carbondale High School student, one student from Michigan State University and one former SIU student. No one could imagine that it was only the beginning.
At 4:30 p.m., Jackson County Sheriff Raymond Dillinger requested that Illinois Gov. Richard Ogilvie order National Guard troops to Carbondale. That was about the time protesters at Wheeler Hall got the idea of marching through the downtown business district."
This from:
A social history of student unrest at Southern Illinois University in the aftermath of Kent State.
Yup, I spent a lot of time in here.
Am I: Communing with Chopin? Shielding my ears from that noisy refrigerator? Hiding from the landlady?
I'm recording the Saluki Marooned audiobook.
And why don't I look happy?
Because I'm not! First, no radio or TV studio I've ever worked in (including WSIU and WIDB) would satisfy the demonic requirements for audiobook acceptance (ACX). To give you an idea: The sound of a pin dropping would register 10 decibels, and if something made a sound at 0 decibels, most humans couldn't hear it.
But the audiobook technical criteria requires any noise to register below -60 decibels-that's negative 60db! That means if an ant burps outside three stories below the closet the meter had better register -60db or below.
Accordingly, I bought heavy drapes which I close over the bedroom windows for recording. I shut the bathroom door, and turn off all appliances that make noise or cause a hum. I pack the air conditioner and window fan vents with insulation. (I wouldn't think
of turning them on) And the laptop stays outside because of its' fan.
But the real trouble starts when I'm finished recording.
Tristan of the SIU Business Incubator is helping promote Saluki Marooned to the students, faculty, and staff at SIU and the southern Illinois community. Next we'll promote the audiobook which should be finished by Homecoming 2021. And then there is the second novel I'm writing about SIU. That should be finished sometime ummmmmmmmm...this century! Thanks much for the help Tristan!
Recently Cub Reporter Izzy and Yours Truly visited Paglia's where we ordered a 12-inch sausage and pepperoni pizza and a couple of drinks. Yes, it's Gut Bombing It for the 21st Century.
“Think about it brother, one of the worst earthquakes in US history was right here in 1811…” Marta in the novel Saluki Marooned. 208-years later…
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On October 15, 1969 a massive crowd showed up at SIU for a peaceful moratorium against the Vietnam war. In less than a year, the …
On October 13, 1913 Anthony Hall for women (the third building constructed at SINU) was dedicated. It was named after Susan B Anthony-women’s …
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