Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2022

Great read!
I found the plot to be captivating and the characters are enchanting. I laughed out loud several times but also felt deeply the main character's struggles.
Deb Barnett
Karen B
While never a Saluki myself, my brother was and my son currently is (in fact, lived in Bailey hall, where much of this story took place). I am convinced that the SIU references, while fun for those who've been there, will be valid for just about anyone who went to college it the late '60's and early to mid '70's. I mostly read this because I knew the author when we were both quite young (in Park Forest, IL, which also merits a few references in the book), and through our connection on social media, decided to read the penning of "one of our own". I was NOT disappointed! I suspect, though I hope I'm wrong, that there is somewhat of an autobiographical nature to this book, as it resembles some aspects of my own abbreviated college career at another Illinois State school (I suppose it's not Normal to put in such a reference!). But I think this is worth a read!!!
Al G
Imagine it is 2009, you are in your late 50's and you consider yourself a failure. Have some booze and a few pills and you find yourself on a train on your way to the town where you attended college, failed out of school and were drafted into the army during Vietnam days. You get off the train, find some things the same and others greatly changed from your almost 40 year old memories. Now imagine that during a walk around the campus, you pass out, and when you awaken you are back in 1971 but fully aware of the person you have become in 2009. Can you change your future by changing your past?
Because I attended Southern Illinois University in the mid to late 60's and that is the campus and town in the book, I found this fun to read. However, I'm not sure if it would have appeal for those other than SIU alums who attended the school in the 60's and 70's, or those who currently attend the school or live in Carbondale. The theory of alternate futures is interesting -- different from the butterfly theory. And I can see an appeal for anyone who is nostalgic about their university days. I do admit that, after reading the book, I had a small desire to go back and visit my alma mater to see what has changed (and what hasn't). A current faculty/staff member of SIU recommended this, and I was glad I was able to find it on Amazon/Kindle.
Judy S
Literary fiction, going back to Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, has a long tradition of characters suddenly cast back in time. So, although Saluki Marooned waves a hand at the science of time travel, I'm classifying this novel as literary and not science fiction. Wherever you put it on the bookshelf, Saluki Marooned is an enjoyable read. Although it would help to have attended SIU, I don't think that's truly necessary to make this book a worthwhile read.
Chris Gerrib
Full disclosure, I am a happy alumnus of SIU and therefore this book has an additional appeal for me. It’s hard to be completely objective but I honestly think this book deserves 4 1/2 stars without factoring the additional connection to SIU. It is a fun story and intelligently written. Putting aside the aspect of time travel, there’s no part of the story that is not believable or insults the readers intelligence. The characters and dialogue come across as real and are very good. And there’s even a great moral to the story.
If you’re a middle aged SIU alumnus or alumna this is a must read. If you are not this is still a great read.

"A return in 1971.
Breathtaking landscapes and great spaces.
A man stuck in his past.
In Short, a very nice story.
I recommend this novel.
Available in " paper " version and in " E-book " version"
Virginie Bourcelot Eymard

"Peter's story is full of nostalgia, frustration, but also hope. Hope to reunite with love. The author takes us hand in hand until the 1970s, a historical era of anti-war movements, and pacifists who are not so passive. With the help of a natural quasi-scientific esotericism, our protagonist will try to find his place... and you will join him in his world. I recommend you to let yourself be carried away by the adventure and freshness of the youth of these characters, and accompany Peter as he fights with his inner demons in... Drifting!"
Cristian Halac

"Peter, who fights with his own goblins, fits better in the past than in the future. His stories and thoughts make him seem more and more understandable to the reader. You learn more and more about him, and that makes the book special. The idea is well implemented and I can only recommend the book. It's off the mainstream, which is good too!"
Fleurs Bücherwelt

Bob, finished your book in two days, it held my attention I did not want to put it down. I like it, good work.
This is a great novel written by a friend of mine about the time we both went to SIUIf you went there it will bring back memories, if not it will still be very entertaining.
Rob Gerardi
Robert, congratulations on writing your first novel! You do a fine job of taking us on a witty and adventurous time travel escapade to SIU, then (1970s) and now. Your passion for keeping SIU's spirit alive shines throughout the book. Looking forward to reading your next adventure.
Sadiqua Hamdan
"A movie-worthy story, "Saluki Marooned" is a great read!"

First, let's make the record clear. Bob attended SIU with the author, and later they worked together at WRAJ radio in Anna, Il. That said...
"I absolutely loved Saluki Marooned -- so much so, I slowed down my reading to stretch it out as long as possible. Now that’s a book that grabs you."
Bob Smith, SIU Radio and TV '73
Really enjoyed the book! It started a little slowly, but I stayed with the narrative and was happy to have made that decision. Wouldn't we all love to go back and try and do it better the second time around? But I know that I have made it to where I am today because of the decisions I made back then and all along the road - and I am pretty satisfied with my lot in life (unlike your protagonist!).

...What went between the beginning and end is the story of a haggard failure who is ripped out the 21st Century and dropped into the 1970s, so that he can rebuild his future, starting with college. But a demonic algebra instructor who threatens to flunk him, a wife-to-be who stalks him, a street party that lures him, and a riot that terrifies him, block his way to a placid future.
Saluki Marooned-A Four Star Novel.

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